AuthorTerry R Baughman is Lead Pastor for LifeChurch in Gilbert, AZ. See his complete bio at Archives
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They Went4/21/2024 They Went
THE RESURRECTED LIFE! Terry R. Baughman “And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs” (Mark 16:20 NKJ). The commission to go was consistent throughout the Gospels. After the interim instruction to wait for, “power from on high,” the disciples remembered the greater initiative of the Lord (Luke 24:49 NKJ). They were empowered to fulfill the commission, and engage the authority of the Church. In His final words before the ascension, Jesus promised His followers, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NKJ). The declaration was two-fold: You shall receive power, and you shall be witnesses. This is synonymous with the other instructions from the Gospels. In Matthew the command was, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations”(Matthew 28:19 NKJ). Mark stated that they should, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15 NKJ). Luke wrote, “That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem” (Luke 24:47 NKJ). In the Gospel of John Jesus spoke to His disciples and said, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” (John 20:21 NKJ). Even in the training of the disciples there were times when Jesus sent them out with a mission to heal and to declare the Kingdom of God. On one occasion Jesus sent out seventy-two followers into the surrounding countryside and villages. He said, “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is offered to you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you’” (Luke 10:8-9 NIV). After they received the Holy Spirit, it came as no surprise that they should proclaim the message of Jesus and His resurrection from the dead to others. They were empowered by the Spirit and given boldness they had not possessed previously so that they might boldly proclaim the good news to those who had not heard. Mark recorded their passion and motivation to share the Gospel and the way that the Spirit worked with them to accomplish their mission. He said, “The apostles went out announcing the good news everywhere, as the Lord himself consistently worked with them, validating the message they preached with miracle-signs that accompanied them!” (Mark 16:20 TPT). Signs, miracles, and wonders were performed at the hands of the disciples as they were led of the Spirit and enabled to believe for these wonderful works of God. This was what Jesus had prepared them to accomplish. At the beginning of His ministry as recorded by Mark, the people began to respond to the miracles and deliverance that Jesus brought to these new followers. One morning Jesus went out early to pray all alone. The disciples finally found Him and joyfully proclaimed, “‘Everyone is looking for You.’ But He said to them, ‘Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth’” (Mark 1:37-38 NKJ). Jesus showed them that His mission was bigger than notoriety in one town, or popularity in one place, but rather that all may have the opportunity to receive deliverance and hear the message of the Kingdom of God. Mark wrote, “He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons” (Mark 1:39 NKJ). This was the pattern then, and it continues to the present. God’s desire is greater than our four walls and extends beyond our city limits. Every person has a right to hear the message of Jesus and learn more about Him. We cannot remain content in our community of faith as we celebrate with like-minded believers. We must reach out to the unbeliever and extend a welcome to every community. The next town remains to be our mission and reaching them continues to be our challenge. As they went, let us go! Theme passage: “For although he was crucified as a ‘weakling,’ now he lives robed with God’s power. And we also are ‘weak ones’ in our co-crucifixion with him, but now we live in God’s triumphant power together with him” (2 Corinthians 13:4 TPT).
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