Join us on the journey to deepen our relationship with God and to fulfill His purpose in our lives!
GO DEEP JournalA new GO DEEP Journal is available now in the lobby. It's only $5.00 while supplies last!
Each journal has pages for insight each day. On Sunday there is space for sermon notes or personal thoughts, prayer needs and praise reflection! Each journal lasts for 3 months if used daily and serves as a tool to chart spiritual progress as we GO DEEP! |
Gayla Baughman shares ...Women's Ministries Pastor, Gayla Baughman completed her first week in the GO DEEP journal and shared her excitement and encouragement for others to join the journey.
More resources available for purchase from Baughman Group Ministries. Anonymous reviewI'm so excited about this journal. So far I have had no problem finding scriptures to study. Every day, God seems to inspire me with a word to be grateful for. Boom! There is my road to my devotional that day. Thank you LifeChurch for this amazing tool that is helping me "Go Deep" into God's presence.