AuthorTerry R Baughman is Lead Pastor for LifeChurch in Gilbert, AZ. See his complete bio at Archives
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Preparation for Launch1/30/2022 Preparation for Launch
RELEASE — empowered to rise Terry R. Baughman “‘In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.’ I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2 NIV). The moment comes when it is time to stop preparing and get to the business for which we have prepared. Great architecture is not built on the designer’s computer, but realized when dirt is removed, forms set, and foundations are poured. The planning ceases when the permits are approved and the construction begins. Someone said that a fisherman’s job is to fish, not to teach seminars on the most effective methods, write books on the subject, or spend their days at the cafe telling stories of great trips and the incredible catches of the past. A fisherman gets out on the water, sometimes in the early morning or late in the evening, and casts the line into the place where fish are most likely to be found. A fisherman fishes. We have been called to become “fishers of men.” Our job is to cast the line, make the connection, draw others close in friendship, and introduce them to the greatest story ever told. While we want to learn effective methods of evangelism and be inspired with other’s stories of great conversions, our greatest successes will come when we engage in the process of attraction, discipleship, and witness the power of the Gospel in spiritual conversions. We can’t just talk about it; we must get busy doing it. The hot air balloon (also called the envelope) is filling with air. The fires that warm the air provide the lift. The gondola (or basket) is stocked with supplies. The necessary equipment is secured in place. The tethers are holding the hot-air balloon to the ground as the tension increases. The moment is now. It’s time to launch. It’s time to go. All of the preparations were necessary, but once it is time to launch there is no more need for preparations. It is time to quit prepping and get started. The moment arrives to get onboard, load up and leave. Initiate the launch sequence. Loosen the ropes. Release the tethers. Allow the upward lift the freedom to expand. Turn up the fire and experience release from gravity. Upward, upward let your spirits climb with the rising vessel. This analogy illustrates where we are as a church and as a movement. We have implemented a lot of preparation, training, policy and procedures, but there comes a time to launch our mission. The time arrives when we need to put the training to the test. The preparation has equipped us to face any unknown challenge that may come. Arise. Seize the moment and embrace the task. The final requirement is trust. We must believe in the designer; be confident in the vessel and its ability to complete the mission. Others have launched before us. The message stood the test of time. The Gospel and the blood of Jesus is more than enough for every challenge. We must believe that God is able to keep those we have committed unto Him. This is our moment. This is our day. The pioneers of the past have delivered the commission intact. The plan is flawless. The purpose is clear. Embrace the calling. Step into your destiny and believe that God has made you for this. Now it is time for the launch. It is time for … RELEASE! Theme passage: “Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31 NLT).
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