2025 Annual Membership Renewal

Complete the Membership Renewal Form to become an annual member of LifeChurch International, based in Gilbert, AZ.
There are three levels of membership. The distinction of each are outlined below:
There are three levels of membership. The distinction of each are outlined below:
Complete the Membership Renewal form by clicking this button.
1. Attending Members
Attending Members are present at several services or events per year at any campus of LifeChurch International and consider LifeChurch to be their church home. They look to the LifeChurch pastoral team for spiritual leadership.
Attending Members are assured of pastoral care for normal ministerial services such as weddings, dedications, funerals, and hospital visitation. They have the benefit of a faith community to share experiences and grow in their faith. Other members in the church community will provide prayer, friendship and moral support, encouraging their walk with God.
Attending Members are present at several services or events per year at any campus of LifeChurch International and consider LifeChurch to be their church home. They look to the LifeChurch pastoral team for spiritual leadership.
Attending Members are assured of pastoral care for normal ministerial services such as weddings, dedications, funerals, and hospital visitation. They have the benefit of a faith community to share experiences and grow in their faith. Other members in the church community will provide prayer, friendship and moral support, encouraging their walk with God.
2. Participating Members
Participating Members regularly attend LifeChurch and have committed to the Pastoral Team their intention to make this church their home. They are committed to the ministry at LifeChurch International and financially support the operation of the church through their giving.
Participating Members are assured of the same level of pastoral care listed under Attending Members. They are also qualified to be involved in volunteer positions of service at LifeChurch. These include but are not limited to areas of hospitality, ushering, lawn care, maintenance, social event support roles, and community service projects.
Participating Members regularly attend LifeChurch and have committed to the Pastoral Team their intention to make this church their home. They are committed to the ministry at LifeChurch International and financially support the operation of the church through their giving.
Participating Members are assured of the same level of pastoral care listed under Attending Members. They are also qualified to be involved in volunteer positions of service at LifeChurch. These include but are not limited to areas of hospitality, ushering, lawn care, maintenance, social event support roles, and community service projects.
3. Voting Members
Voting Members not only have pledged their support to the ministry of LifeChurch International, but they have accepted the teaching of the Apostolic doctrine as outlined in the Local Church Constitution (see below). They have been born again of the water and of the Spirit according to John 3:5 and Acts 2:38. They live morally clean lives of Christian conduct, abstaining from substance abuse, and are committed to the highest standards of integrity. They support the church and ministry through regular attendance and the giving of tithes and offerings.
Voting members are assured of pastoral care and other benefits listed under the other levels of membership. Additionally, they may also be qualified to serve in teaching positions, ministry leadership, worship ministry, and other areas that require full commitment to the teaching of LifeChurch.
Voting Members not only have pledged their support to the ministry of LifeChurch International, but they have accepted the teaching of the Apostolic doctrine as outlined in the Local Church Constitution (see below). They have been born again of the water and of the Spirit according to John 3:5 and Acts 2:38. They live morally clean lives of Christian conduct, abstaining from substance abuse, and are committed to the highest standards of integrity. They support the church and ministry through regular attendance and the giving of tithes and offerings.
Voting members are assured of pastoral care and other benefits listed under the other levels of membership. Additionally, they may also be qualified to serve in teaching positions, ministry leadership, worship ministry, and other areas that require full commitment to the teaching of LifeChurch.
Complete the Membership Renewal form by clicking this button.
Below are the guidelines for membership from our bylaws:
Local Church Constitution, Article III - Membership:
Section 1. Eligibility.
Section 2: Membership Renewal
The membership shall be renewed annually following the official business meeting thereby maintaining a current roll of present and active members. Members, who have moved, transferred, or otherwise become ineligible or inactive shall not have their membership renewed. The registration for voting membership is closed on December 31 of each year until after the official business meeting of the following year.
[For those who commit to level three membership and become a Voting Member, please note these requirements for the voting membership of LifeChurch from our Local Church Constitution, Article III - Membership:]
Section 3. Obligations. As a voting member of the assembly, each one must accept the following obligations:
Section 1. Eligibility.
- Three levels of membership are offered. Following are the eligibility requirements for each level of membership
- Attending Members are present at several services or events per year at any campus of LifeChurch International and consider LifeChurch to be their church home. They look to the LifeChurch pastoral team for spiritual leadership
- Participating Members regularly attend LifeChurch and have committed to the the Pastoral Team their intention to make this church their home. They are committed to the ministry at LifeChurch International and financially support the operation of the church through their giving.
- Voting Members not only have pledged their support to the ministry of LifeChurch International, but they have accepted the teaching of the Apostolic doctrine as set forth in the Articles of Faith of the United Pentecostal Church. Principally this shall consist of repentance, baptism by immersion in water in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, receiving the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking in other tongues.
- To be a voting member one must be at least sixteen years of age, meet the eligibility and qualifications for members, and be listed on the current Membership Roll.
Section 2: Membership Renewal
The membership shall be renewed annually following the official business meeting thereby maintaining a current roll of present and active members. Members, who have moved, transferred, or otherwise become ineligible or inactive shall not have their membership renewed. The registration for voting membership is closed on December 31 of each year until after the official business meeting of the following year.
[For those who commit to level three membership and become a Voting Member, please note these requirements for the voting membership of LifeChurch from our Local Church Constitution, Article III - Membership:]
Section 3. Obligations. As a voting member of the assembly, each one must accept the following obligations:
- To conduct one's self everywhere as a Christian; with all honesty, morality, and integrity.
- To endeavor to manifest a spirit of brotherly love and fellowship toward all of God's people.
- To be diligent in church attendance (Hebrews 10:25).
- To support the work of the assembly with prayer and finances, according to the Scriptures. This shall include paying tithes and giving of offerings (Malachi 3:10, 1 Corinthians 16:2).
- To maintain family and personal devotion.
- To abide by the by-laws of the assembly as prescribed in this form of local church government. (Hebrews 13:17, Titus 2:1-8)
- To abstain from all forms of substance abuse, specifically alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs, and tobacco in any form (2 Corinthians 7:1).
- To avoid ungodly and profane amusements or associations that may be detrimental to a Christian and bring reproach upon the name of Christ.
- To secure, in case of moving, a letter of membership from the former church, and unite with another church of the same faith as soon as possible.
Complete the Membership Renewal form by clicking this button.